Friday, May 19, 2017

Q&A Post: Question Gathering

I don't flatter myself into thinking a huge number of people read this blog, but for those that do, have you ever had any questions for me? I would love to do a Q&A type post so please leave any questions you might have about this blog, topics of interest I've discussed, myself (within reason) or even any cool random questions you can think of in the comments below! Once I have gathered some reader questions I will do a fun answer post. Thanks for reading and playing along!

1 comment:

  1. What are your favorite "couldn't put them down" books? What is your favorite type of cuisine? When you and your DH were trucking, were there any towns that struck you as especially pretty and scenic? I know you didn't have time to sightsee, but were there any places that stood out to you? What are some of your favorite thrifted finds? -Alyssa
