Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Reviews: BBW Peace Candle & Knickknaxwax Autumn Night Tart

BBW Peace candle (Iced vanilla woods) smells like its description; sweet vanilla with a woodsy musk. I quite like this scent; unfortunately it has mild to moderate throw. I can only smell it when I'm standing near it and I seem to have this problem with most BBW candles, with a few exceptions. Though I love this type of scent, it is not particularly unique and I've had similar candles with much stronger throw. Although the blue hobnail jar is beautiful and the scent is nice, it needs to be stronger, so I wouldn't repurchase it. I'm glad it was half off for SAS. Overall grade: B.

Knickknaxwax Autumn Night scent shot smells to me like woodsmoke, musk and the resin of freshly cut wood on a nighttime breeze. Very realistic and wonderful! It has been throwing strongly for several hours. I'm really impressed with Knickknaxwax as a vendor overall, hope to purchase again in the future. Overall grade: A.

1 comment:

  1. This was my favorite scent of the year, but only in the 3-wick. The small one just did not throw much like you said. But honestly, I bought it at SAS more for the jar than anything lol! I just love it. That Knickknack Wax scent sounds incredibly lovely. I adore smoke/wood scents.
