Thursday, December 3, 2015

Review: Knickknaxwax Snow White Tart

On cold sniff this scent smells like a mild, musky patchouli. When melting I also get slight hints of nuttiness and smoky incense. It is an interesting scent; not unpleasant, but it doesn't wow me either. I'm not sure what Lush's Snow White is supposed to smell like, but I find it an odd and not very descriptive name for this scent. Some patchouli blends I love, others I hate, and this one is just meh to me. I like that it's not punch you in the nose strong, but the throw is a little too light for my liking. I haven't been this confused by a scent in a long time. Overall grade: C+. A decent fragrance, but the throw is surprisingly light. Wouldn't repurchase this particular scent. All the other scents I've tried so far from this vendor have been strong and fabulous.

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